Women’s Health Week 2018- putting your mental health first

When it comes to health most women, more often than not, put themselves last. It’s Women’s Health Week 2018 on 3rd- 7th September, and we are urging all our lovely female patients to put themselves and their health first for once.
Women’s Health Week provides a timely reminder to invest in your own mental wellbeing and put yourself first. Learn how to protect your mental health, how to be kinder and gentler on yourself and make positive changes for the long term.
Enjoy a bit of pampering on us to improve mental health and wellbeing
We are also delighted to offer you the chance to win a 5 pack of clinical pilates classes at Coast Sport. simply LIKE and SHARE our Facebook page for your chance to win!
We have also compiled some easy tips to help feel your best and improve your health and mental wellbeing, please feel free to share with friends, family and colleagues to help spread the word.
Top 10 tips for good mental health and wellbeing this Women’s Health Week:
1. Build and nurture relationships
Connecting with people and investing in solid relationships is important for your mental health, so get in touch with people who you trust or feel good around. Having meaningful and positive relationships with other people is the most important factor contributing to a sense of wellbeing. This can include family, friends, workmates and others in the community. Devoting time and energy in your relationships can lead to great benefits for all involved.
2. Exercise regularly
Exercise has been shown to increase wellbeing as well as reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Good physical health is related to better mental health so find an activity you enjoy doing and keep active.
3. Enjoy a healthy diet
Nutrition and eating well can make a difference to the way you feel, and in-turn may improve your mental health. Eating a balanced, wholesome diet can improve your mental and physical health.
Recent evidence suggests that good nutrition is essential for our mental health and that a number of mental health conditions may be influenced by dietary factors.
4. Give back
Making a contribution to the community, however small, increases social wellbeing. This can involve anything from volunteering, helping a neighbour or performing small acts of kindness. Take some time to do the things you really enjoy. Pleasant events can lead to positive emotions that can cancel out negative feelings.
5. Visit your GP regularly
Helping you to keep on top of your physical and mental health is what your GP is there for. If you aren’t taking care of yourself then it is almost impossible for you to also care for the ones you love especially in the long term. So be kind to yourself and schedule those regular health checks that you have been putting off, be it a cervical screening test or a skin check, schedule your appointments and enjoy peace of mind.
6. Get creative
Do something creative. Activities or hobbies can keep you distracted, have a positive impact on your sense of mental health and wellbeing and can help increase your confidence and self-esteem. This could involve building something, playing an instrument, gardening, art, doing a puzzle, painting, cooking, writing etc, whatever it is, enjoy and take pleasure from doing something you love.
7. Take time out
When you relax, you give yourself permission to let go of worries for a while. Relaxing gives your mind and body time to recover from the stresses of everyday life. Meditation exercises or listening to relaxation music can assist. Use relaxation breathing techniques.
8. Get plenty of sleep
Sleep and mood are closely connected; poor or inadequate sleep can cause irritability and stress, while healthy sleep can enhance well-being. We cannot function properly without sleep. Sleep helps us to repair and restore our bodies and minds. So, try to ensure you are getting plenty of zzzz, while sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, most healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to function at their best. Children and teens need even more.
9. Stress less, laugh more
Like it or not, stress is a part of life. By learning to better cope with stress will help to enhance mental and physical health. Meditation, exercise, taking a walk in the bush, playing with your pet or journal writing as a stress reducer, whatever works for you individually. Also, remember to smile and see the humour in life. Research shows that laughter can boost your immune system, ease pain, relax your body and reduce stress.
10. Seek help
If you are struggling to feel happy, cope with everyday life, find meaning or feel connected to others, please see your doctor or a mental health professional. 1 in 5 Australians will experience a mental disorder at some time in their life - depression, anxiety and substance abuse are the most common disorders. So, don’t delay, seek help now!
Not sure what to do next?
Some free tools:
If you or someone you know are finding it difficult to manage mental health issues, try :
healthdirect’s symptom checker and get advice on when to seek professional help.
Self- assessment tool -is a 10-minute online tool that helps rate your involvement in mental health and wellbeing activities. The tool helps you identify what you can do to help maintain your mental health and wellbeing.
Black dog snapshot – is a free self-assessment mobile app that helps you keep track of your mental health and wellbeing. Provides general feedback and options for online and offline help-seeking services in Australia.
Happify - is a free online tool which helps you take control of your feelings and improve your mental health and wellbeing.
Our team is here to help!
Make an appointment with your GP, they are here to help and can support you and your loved ones.
Don’t forget to enter our competition to win a bit of pampering on us!
Health Direct
Women’s Health Week
Think Mental Health